Citing KIPET

Please use the following when citing KIPET:

C. Schenk, M. Short, J.S. Rodriguez, D. Thierry, L.T. Biegler, S. García-Muñoz, W. Chen (2020) Introducing KIPET: A novel open-source software package for kinetic parameter estimation from experimental datasets including spectra, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 134, 106716.

M. Short, L.T. Biegler, S. García-Muñoz, W. Chen (2020) Estimating variances and kinetic parameters from spectra across multiple datasets using KIPET, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,

M. Short, C. Schenk, D. Thierry, J.S. Rodriguez, L.T. Biegler, S. García-Muñoz (2019) KIPET–An Open-Source Kinetic Parameter Estimation Toolkit, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 47, 299-304.