Kinetic Parameter Estimation Toolbox (KIPET)

KIPET is the one-stop shop for kinetic parameter estimation from batch and fed-batch reactor systems using spectroscopic or concentration data. KIPET is a Python-based package using maximum-likelihood statistics, large-scale nonlinear programming optimization, and finite element discretization in a unified framework to solve a variety of parameter estimation problems. Use KIPET to:

  • Simulate reactive system described with DAEs

  • Solve DAE systems with collocation methods

  • Pre-process data

  • Perform estimability analysis

  • Estimate data variances

  • Estimate kinetic parameters

  • Estimate confidence intervals of the estimated parameters

  • Estimate parameters from multiple datasets with different experimental conditions

  • Obtain the most informative wavelength set to obtain minimal lack-of-fit

  • Analyze your system (SVD, PCA, lack of fit, etc.)

  • Visualize results

Indices and tables

KIPET Resources

KIPET development is hosted on GitHub and we welcome feedback and questions there:

KIPET makes use of Pyomo as the algebraic modeling language and much of the syntax can be found here: